Zest Patent Solutions is a patent consultation firm founded by a team of well qualified professionals. Our diverse technical expertise and practical business experience helps us to deliver the right solutions for your company requirements.

Zest Patent Solutions

A one stop solution for all issue related to Intellectual property Rights


A Top Intellectual Property Law Firm in India specializes in professional patent searches

Provides Services to Pharma and Biotech clientele

Who We Are & How We Serve

Determine IP & Patent Portfolio Strategies

An IP strategy helps entities manage their intangible assets—including patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights

Protect and Defend a Patent or Portfolio of Patents

Prove that you are compliant, by data that shows you are not infringing, or argue that the asserted patent is invalid, if that be the case.

Leverage the Earning Potential of a Portfolio

A Portfolio that includes at least some securities that were bought with borrowed money

Provides Access to


& Biotech


Services includes small to mid sized Pharma and Biotech companies, Law firms, investors, startups, individual inventors, technology developing companies and academic institutes.

News & Blog

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right